Friday, June 20, 2014


  1. Denmark has an organization dedicated to finding employment for people who wake up late….hehehe..I like that…Denmark,here I come!!.
  2. Picasso was once so poor that he burned his own paintings for warmth….If only he knew how much his paintings would cost...…
  3. At 420 feet high, the Spring temple Buddha is almost 3 times the hight of the Statue of Liberty….Wow!
  4. Golf was banned by James II of Scotland in 1457 because it distracted from the importance of archery….Duh!...
  5. Higashimokoto flower park is breathtaking. it has over 1 million pink shibazakura flowers during the bloom season……now that's a LOT of pink
  6. "Omphaloskepsis": to gaze at one's navel as an aid to meditation….errhmmmm,what's so fascinating about the belly-button?…o_O
  7. Mother's day was celebrated as early as 1914, but Father's day wasn't established until 1972. 58 years later!……Fathers didn't like presents? #justasking
  8. There's a Zip-line that takes you from Spain to Portugal…..Yipe!!….there should be one from the US to Canada too.#justsaying
  9. In Korea, a Sundae isn't ice cream... it's cow or pig intestine stuffed with noodles and blood. ....uhmm…No,thank you..I think I'll pass...-_-


culled from believe it or not @ripley's

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