Friday, September 13, 2024


Knock, Knock!?
Anybody home?

Whew!. I have not come to this space in sooooo long.
To be honest, I got lazy and had a lot going on.
I have been journaling though😊

Anyway, how have you been?...hope life has treated you well.

A lot has happened since the last time I posted here. I have changed jobs, attended a few parties, acquired a few clothing items, made new friends, traveled locally and internationally. Visited Barbados for the first time (went for a wedding), Visited Bahamas for the first time (cruise stop), Visited Nigeria twice in one year (2023)!

I think my outlook to life has shifted too. I am understanding myself better.  Let me tell you a little bit more about that:

  1. Waiting is not fun at all:
I used to think I have a lot of patience, but now I know I do not. I am as restless as anybody out there.
You know like when you have the inner assurance , or even written/verbal assurance, that something is coming your way, like waiting for a package to arrive, but it is taking "forever" to arrive! ...But I know that those that wait for/on the Lord, will experience divine strength (Isaiah 40;31)

 2.  Conquer the fear of rejection and FOMO (fear of missing out) :

This is a work-in-progress for me. For the longest time I did not realize that some of my actions and reactions stemmed from these fears especially if you are sensitive person. For example, shying away from relationships , putting people at arms length because I was already anticipating not belonging, not good enough and being rejected. So, I consciously and intentionally affirm myself with words like " I doing my best, I am a work-in-progress, I am enough, I am beautiful". 

3. Manage your expectations:
This is a lifelong lesson acquired skill. I'm sure you have heard that phrase before, but like me, it doesn't really stick until you actually experience personally that expectations . I mean expectations from people , especially.  We all change and our expectations change too. So, for example, I am learning not to expect to be reciprocated or appreciated the way I invested my time or substance into something that is not work related. 

4.Failure or having to redo something is actually blessing in disguise:

   It shows that we have been given another chance to learn, to adjust , to re-evaluate! I realized that it is our response or how we respond that matters in these circumstances. It's okay to be upset and be sad, initially, but don't allow yourself to stay in the "pity party" mode.

5. Invest in your relationship with God:

 I cannot emphasis this enough. You see, after all is said and done, you need a safe place (where you are yourself, no pretense) a deeper connection and sense of peace, and the only guaranteed place of experiencing these is in God. Even when/if I feel God is silent or things are not going as expected , there is a "knowing" that He is present. Even when life seems uncertain, God has a good plan for you.(It might not be your plan)

I hope someone out there finds this helpful.

Will be back soonπŸ’“.