Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Thoughts. ..


cheeky said...

'Don't let your history interfere with your destiny' - I couldn't agree more. We all have one history or the other -something that when we remember, it weighs us down like a heavy load. The sad thing is, we can't change history, it has already happened! But what we can change is what has not yet happened. And I do not believe in pre-fixed destiny. (I know this topic can be argued by many people). You can change your 'destiny'. Destiny is not some scary dark tunnel that we all have to pass through blind-folded, with our hands chained behind our backs. We can walk into that tunnel by carrying the light of 'praying about it', 'reading about it', 'preparing for it', 'letting go of it' and doing something positive to change your situation! Do not let your past or history hold you back, grab hold of your destiny, its yours for the taking

Kemi Sho said...

Thanks Cheeky!…Well " said"…..I wish there is a like button for comments….:)