Sunday, June 1, 2014

…...For The EXTRAORDINARY You!!…..

Summary of 17 Things Extraordinary People Do Everyday……(Maybe often,because that's a long list to keep up with everyday,…...if you ask me,...but I think I can do #13 everyday :)

Some people seem to get ahead, no matter what. They aren't necessarily smarter, more creative or harder working than many others. Still, they achieve much more than their peers. Why is that?
The philosopher Aristotle offered an explanation a really, really long time ago"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit."

1. Examine long-term goals.

 Your goals will change, and that's a good thing. But it's easier to act strategically when you've thought about where you want your dreams to lead.

2. Examine daily plans.

 If you're working your tail off each day to become better at something you don't even want to be doing, that's a sign it's time for a change.

3. Ask for help.

Nobody does anything worthwhile alone, and asking for help, when done correctly, isn't a sign of weakness--it's a sign of respect.

4. Engage in mentorship.

Mentorship has two sides, so on any given day, do two things: Engage with a mentor, and also offer mentorship to someone else. Not every interaction has to be profound; that would be exhausting. 

5. Give yourself a break.

 We're only human, and success (however it's defined) is never an overnight thing. Should you hold yourself to high standards? Sure, but every day, give yourself a pass on a few things you did wrong, and for missing a few items on this list. 

6. Write down what happened.

Life is a journey, so keep a journal. You don't need to be a polished writer or even devote a lot of time to this; even a small effort can pay huge dividends.

7. Build your confidence.

Everybody has crises of confidence; everyone has to learn to overcome fear of failure. The best ways to win are twofold, and we've already covered the groundwork on this list. First, engage with mentors. People who've been through similar challenges and inspire you and show you the way. Second, remember the challenges you've overcome in the past--say, perhaps, the things you wrote about in your journal. You did it then; you can do it now. Speaking of which…

8. Give thanks and compliments.

Just as you sometimes have crises of confidence, so does everyone else around you. So, make it a point to compliment others, and to express your appreciation for what they do- you'll find this habit pays you back tenfold.

9. Focus on others.

No matter that you do, you will leave a legacy.The question is whether you'll be remembered for something positive or something negative. So, keep in mind during all interactions, that this might be someone's lasting impression of you.

10. Get some physical exercise.

It doesn't have to be much--just a 20- or 30-minute workout each day can improve your outlook and change your life.

11. Quit something.

Coming up with a great idea isn't the hard part in life. Instead, it's eliminating 99 out of 100 great ideas, so you can focus on the few that really work. The only way to do that is to be willing to give up on things you've tried but aren't paying off--nevermind the sunk costs.

12. Check small things.

Extraordinary people learn to delegate effectively. That can be scary, because it requires trust. You can't possibly check everything you've delegated, but you can check some small things, which in turn creates the possibility you'll check everything. 

13. Laugh--especially at yourself.

Comedy is the flipside of tragedy. For all the passion with which they pursue their goals, truly extraordinary people keep perspective by recognizing that a well-led life is full of humor.  "The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow."

14. Sleep.

Seven to eight hours a night, at least. If not, you're killing your productivity and killing brain cells.

15. Continue your education.

Lifelong learning is one of the keys to success. Geoffrey James wrote, "[Approach] lifelong learning with a sense of fun that adds pleasure and energy to the tasks at hand. It means expanding your principles and practices so that they serve a greater purpose."

16. Cultivate outside interests.

All work and no play makes ... well, you know the rest. Let your mind wander every day, and feed it heartily. And, when you've stumbled upon something truly fantastic and worth telling 
others about…

17. Share something great.

 Seriously, extraordinary people always have something to share, and something truly interesting to talk about--a joke, a story, a bit of good news. Follow their lead. (Hey, why not start by sharing this article?)

….You've got what it takes….*hugs*

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