Friday, June 13, 2014

Keep Your Breasts To Yourself!!.....

Our culture has become overly sexual. Sexual innuendos fill our TV shows, movies,  the music industry, and the internet. Sexuality is being used to sell everything from toothpaste to cars.

The companies and industries that are using the motto “sex sells,” lack the moral integrity  to separate morality from profit. Is it any wonder why problems arise because our children are being raised up in a sexually obsessed culture. A culture that is giving the green light of approval to just about every sexual practice there is.

“They’ve taken our two X chromosomes and turned them into XXX DVD’s”.

Our natural modesty is being suppressed, and desires are heightened. It’s no wonder we are seeing an increase in so many sexually related problems, including addictions to pornography, STD’s, broken homes, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, abuse, and sex crimes.

Not so many years ago a lot of what is being shown in advertising, and on TV  would have been protested against as indecent.  People have become desensitized to blatant displays of nudity, and sexuality.

The present attitude is just about anything is acceptable, as long as its not hurting anyone, BUT IT IS! In one way, or another lack of morality has consequences, hurts, and erodes all of society. It is time to turn away from what our society has been force feeding us, and to listen to what God commands us to do- To be a positive influence.

By David Roads

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