Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What Do You Want Out Of A Relationship?

This is sort of  a sequel to the post on marriage I wrote here about a week or so ago. The general vibe I get from different articles on relationship is this: The expectations of the male specie differs from that of the female specie.
There tend to be resentment,anger, frustration and sense of hopelessness when couples don’t understand each others wants and needs in a relationship.
Generally, men want :
  • To be “ in charge”
  • To be needed and at the same time want the woman to be self-sufficient/confident.
  • A manipulation-free relationship.

Whereas,what women(regardless of age) want can be summed up to:
  • Affection
  • Appreciation
  • Affirmation
I think men do want these things as well in a relationship but in different measure based on the age and stage in life.

Anyway,based on a random opinion poll I conducted among friends, some of the guys said they think because women are materialistic, women are in most relationships for monetary gain.I read a quote somewhere that says"When the wife is mute, she is cute and when the husband has money he’s honey”.Ouch!Do you agree?
Another guy actually said he thinks giving a girl “too much” affection and appreciation is being a sissy.….I wonder what too much affection means:(
The ladies I asked,however, think men are only after sex and a good meal.Hmmmmmm.

Regular COMMUNICATION is key. A relationship will sail or sink based on how open the people involved can communicate.

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